Weaving Evidence-Based Practice Into Nursing Shared Governance: One Model for the Magnet Journey

Saturday, 28 October 2017: 3:15 PM

Patricia A. O'Malley, PhD
Centers of Nursing Excellence, Premier Health, Dayton, OH, USA

This presentation explores one hospital system's journey of integrating evidence based practice (EBP) within the fabric of nursing shared governance. The path to EBP integration brought different pilgrims, destinations and conversations. Clinical nurses from across the system led providing prespective, goals and evaluation. In the first year, the shared governance council developed a strategic plan and met objectives including assessment of EBP attitudes and activities across all hospitals within the system. Working elements for evidence based practice integration included nursing research, quality improvement and best practices adoption. Policy and procedures oversight and approval pathways were modified. Evidenced based education to improve patient safety and reduce alarm fatique in sepsis was provided to 3500+ nurses. Funding was obtained to create a video to provide education of staff and patients regarding safe swaddling practices based on emerging evidence. Crucial relationships with multidisciplinary teams of the organization were created and sustained for the journey and included Medical Staff, Quality Improvement, Pharmacy, Risk Management, Information Technology, Human Investigation Research Committees, Materials Management, Learning Institutes and Nursing Leadership. Additionally, resources were developed to enhance EBP adoption across all sites which included web site development, publications, electronic health record and order sets evaluations. Undergraduate and graduate students as well as nurse residents, librarians, and advanced practice nurses joined clinical nurses in driving practical, effective EBP integration across settings. Finally, EBP integration was woven into hospital orientation with emphasis on right use of evidence as well as into local or unit based share governance. This presentation will provide a review of current models for EBP practice as well as the model used to drive this hospital system's journey to EBP integration with shared governance. Each participant will receive a map with resources for their journey. While the EBP journey never ends, the tools of evidence, evaluation as well as experience from this organization may assist the next shared governance council integrate EBP.