Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Strategies in Nursing Education
Strategies for Enhancing the Clinical Learning Environment through Collaborative Practice with Staff Nurses
Donna Hathorn, PhD, School of Nursing, Southeastern Louisiana University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Learning Objective #1: evaluate collaboration with staff nurses in the clinical learning environment.
Learning Objective #2: develop strategies to improve the learning environment in the acute care clinical setting by enhancing collaboration with staff nurses.

A phenomenological qualitative methodology was used to describe the lived experience of staff nurses who work with baccalaureate student nurses in the acute care clinical environment. One-time, in depth semi-structured informal audio taped interviews were conducted with staff nurses who shared caring for patients in acute settings with student nurses enrolled in clinical courses of a BSN nursing program. Data analysis using the modified van Kaam method revealed the following themes: beliefs about nursing education, role expectations, communication structure, motivational factors, deterrent factors, and professional socialization attitudes.

The clinical environment is a learning environment where students are socialized into the profession and offered opportunities to develop skills necessary for nursing practice. Studies of nursing students show that attitudes and behaviors of staff nurses are influential factors in the quality of the learning environment. Therefore, positive attitudes and behaviors of staff nurses toward student nurses will enhance student learning. Nursing educators can promote quality learning environments by fostering positive relationships between staff nurses and student nurses in the clinical settings.

Results from this study reveal that strategies to enhance staff nurse cooperation with nursing education can promote a positive learning environment for students in clinical courses. Nursing faculty must collaborate with staff nurses by communicating learning objectives, student competencies, and role expectations. Collaboration with staff nurses in planning student learning activities may also enhance the clinical experience for student nurses. Addressing legal liability concerns, eliminating deterrent factors, and offering motivational incentives has the potential for improving the professional socialization behaviors between staff nurses and student nurses.