Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Perspectives on Nursing Education
Expert to Novice: The Unique Challenge of the Second Career Student
Deborah A. Raines, PhD, RN, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Learning Objective #1: appreciate the journey of the second career student during the study of nursing
Learning Objective #2: identify the role of the educator in supporting and enhancing the education and transition of this student population

            The second degree student is a growing population within today’s college and university setting.  The number of second-degree nursing programs has been rapidly increasing as a way to increase student capacity and to reach out to new student populations. Shifts in the economy and the desire of mid-career adults to make a difference in their work have led to increased interest in nursing.
            The second career student brings rich life experience and expertise to the study of nursing.  These are highly motivated learners who want to make a difference. Their previous work experience often includes the role of leader, manager or expert.  Entry into the study of nursing is a journey into an unknown discipline complete with a new and unique language, traditions and behaviors. The second-degree student views the practice of nursing through a different lens. The context of their life experience and previous discipline of study leads them to question practices generally accepted by those whose sole educational experience is in nursing.   Being open to divergent viewpoints and to scholarly debate of the traditions of the teaching and the practice of nursing is a means of growth for the student, the educator and the profession as a whole.
           This presentation shares an analysis of the stories of a group second-degree BSN student. The stories begin with the personal statement submitted with the student’s application.  Throughout the year of study, student wrote reflective stories of their experiences, challenges and celebrations.  Immediately prior to graduation student wrote a culminating story reflecting on their journey as a holistic entity.  These stories reveal the metamorphosis of their understanding  what it means to be a nurse and the unique challenges they had to tackle as they pursued the credential needed to become a nurse and to embark on their chosen career.