Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Strategies for Nursing Retention
Why Employee Referral Programs Now Top the CNOs List of Recruitment and Retention Strategies
Irene A. Stemler, RN, BSN and Beth A. Brooks, RN, PhD, FACHE. JWT Employment Communications, Chicago, IL, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe what characteristics govern world-class employee referral programs (ERPs).
Learning Objective #2: discuss the benefits of using an employee referral program as a realistic job preview (RJP).

There was a time when employee referral programs (ERPs) were used solely for recruitment purposes.  In today's challenging staffing environment, a well-constructed ERP serves multiple functions.  In addition to the traditional benefits of ensuring a higher quality of hire, and significant cost and time savings, an ERP leads to lower turnover rates due to realistic job expectations.  The informal communication of job descriptions and expectations by the referring nurse significantly eases the transition for the new hire.   The added benefits include higher job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.