Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Community Collaborations Fostering Leadership Development
Communities Without Borders: An International Writing Collaborative
Dianne Richmond, MSN, Office of Strategic Planning and Quality, UAB Health System, Birmingham, AL, USA and Lyn E. Middleton, MN, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Learning Objective #1: Articulate the basic steps recommended when organizing a virtual writing collaborative
Learning Objective #2: List recommended documents to be developed that support and frame the work of the collaborative.

Abstract: Technological advances and the proliferation of e-communication have contributed to the ever shrinking size of the globe. Such factors have made it possible to create communities without borders. This description of the process of initiating and implementing an International Virtual Writing Collaborative is an example a community without borders. Sigma Theta Tau International members on three different continents (Africa, Brazil and North America) joined together to create a virtual community with a focus on assisting 12 participants in the process of individual manuscript development. The time line established to complete the manuscripts is a 12-month period that will be followed by and additional 6-month period of analysis of the interactions that transpired in the virtual meeting rooms. There is one Writing Collaborative Coordinator for each continent. Two groups of six participants each have been created. Each group has a Team Leader. Each participant has been attached to a Mentor who has experience in writing, editing, reviewing and submitting manuscripts. The desired project outcome is the production of 12 manuscripts worthy of submission for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The total number of persons participating in this community is twenty-five.