Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This presentation is part of : Professional Development Initiatives for Nursing
Development of a Self-Learning Packet to Strengthen Use of Evidence-Based Practice
Margaret (Peg) A. Pierson, RN, MSN, CNA, BC, Nursing Administration, Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center, Lincoln, NE, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe the rationale for development of an EBP self-learning packet in terms of professional development and improved patient outcomes.
Learning Objective #2: Relate the process for developing a self-learning packet, securing continuing education credits for partipants and evaluation of the impact of the learning.

The need to provide additional education to prepare staff nurses for assuming a more active role in use of Evidence-based Practice (EBP)was identified. EBP was introduced in this 261-bed acute care hospital several years ago with inservice education and was incorporated into clinical ladder advancement and annual performance appraisal for nursing. EBP criteria are increasingly complex as nurses advance in the clinical ladder, ranging from reading and discussing a relevant clinical article to use of evidence in the literature to implement practice change and/or evaluate the impact of an intervention upon patient outcomes. Nursing Leadership (Directors, CNS and Clinical Ladder committee members) provided coaching towards meeting EBP creitera for clinical ladder advancement and annual performance appraisal. Lack of consistency in coaching led to many unsuccessful efforts of nurses seeking to meet EBP criteria. Based upon staff nurse input, a self-learning packet was developed to explain evidence-based practice, identify sources of evidence, impact of EBP on quality of patient care and strategies for developing a plan to meet EBP criteria. The self-learning packet was augmented by one consistent mentor meeting one-on-one with nurses seeking clinical ladder advancement. The strategies for developing the self-learning packet to meet American Nurses Association requirements for continuing education will be described, including review by a content expert and piloting of the self-learnig packet prior to implementation. Plans for future aassessment of the self-learnig packet will also be described. Strengthening use of EBP not only fosters professional development of the nurse, it enables that nurse to mentor others in use of EBP and contributes to quality patient care.