Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Complementary and Alternative Care
Creating a Healing Environment
Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, CRNI, FAAN, Core Wellness International, Core Consulting Group and the University of Illinois, Lake Forest, IL, USA and Ann Marie Brooks, RN, DNSc, MBA, Consultant, Chevy Chase, MD, USA.
Learning Objective #1: identify the benefits of a healing environment on worker productivity, nursing and patient satisfaction, and recruitment/retention.
Learning Objective #2: discuss the transition from intervention to prevention and the role of healing on nurses and nursing.

There is a natural alliance between traditional medicine and natural techniques.  Clearly, the blending of Eastern wisdom and Western technology has arrived.  Throughout the country and now across the globe, we find initiatives aimed at creating healing environments for staff.  This is particularly true of  Magnet Hospitals…the elite group of US and foreign hospitals whose commitment to environment has earned them this coveted designation awarded by the American Nurses Credentialing Center, Silver Spring, MD.  A work environment conducive to healing is becoming commonplace in ‘sharing circles’ and nurse councils.  Nurses and nursing now place additional emphasis on the creation of a healing practice environment! As Magnet appraisers, the authors examined the impact of a healing environment on nursing staff; results indicate that the healing environment contributes greatly to nurse satisfaction, and hence, patient outcomes.  The message is clear!  East does meet West in the clinical and/or educational setting in which concern for staff is foremost.  As interest within the nursing community grows, and as public awareness increases, programs will expand, hospitals will explore options, and healing environments will proliferate.  Nurses and nursing will too shall patients.