Sunday, November 2, 2003: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM

Therapeutic Relationships: From Hospital to Community

Learning Objective #1: Participants will learn about a transitional discharge model of care.
Learning Objective #2: Participants will understand the importance of relationships for people with mental illness as they re-enter the community.
People with chronic mental illness struggle to re-integrate into the community after a period of hospitalization, often ending up back in the hospital. Mental health care reform is decreasing the number of psychiatric beds available, and increasing the number of clients served in the community. The use of appropriate models of discharge planning, and community integration is critical for success. To address this problem, a transitional discharge model (TDM) based on therapeutic relationships was developed in Canada over a decade ago. This model involves two components: the overlapping of inpatient staff relationships with community care until the client has a working relationship the the new community care provider; and the inclusion of peer support for one year. The pilot trial resulted in savings of $.5M CDN for a sample of nine clients. Based on these findings, a large clinical trial in Canada, was undertaken. Using a participatory action approach, the implementation of the TDM project was guided by an advisory committee, with broad representation from both stakeholders and shareholders. A training program for staff was developed and evaluated. Implementation of the model facilitaed shorter lengths of stay on the TDM wards, resulting in a cost savings of $12,212,242. Discharges were not delayed by the unavailability of community resources, as supports were in place while the person was awaiting needed community based services.This symposium will describe the present findings from the main trial, the types of peer and nursing support relationships that developed or deteriorated through the overlapping phases, the strategies used to implement the TDM for testing in the trials, as well as the results of evaluation of the staff traing component.
Organizer:Cheryl Forchuk, RN, PhD
 Interpersonal Bridges in Mental Health: An Ethnographic Analysis of Peer and Nursing Support
Robin Coatsworth-Puspoky, RN, MScN
 Staff Education to Support Research
Mary-Lou Martin, RN, MScN
 Therapeutic Relationships: From Hospital to Community
Cheryl Forchuk, RN, PhD, Robin Coatsworth-Puspoky, RN, MScN, Mary-Lou Martin, RN, MScN

37th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
Sigma Theta Tau International