Saturday, November 1, 2003: 2:45 PM-4:00 PM

Correctional Health Care: Cross Disciplinary Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaborations

Learning Objective #1: Describe the unique health care problems and multi-disciplinary health care models currently available for incarcerated individuals
Learning Objective #2: Explore the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of forensic nursing partnerships
The theme of this symposium is forensic nursing and collaborative health care. Offenders experience a high incidence of infectious diseases such as HIV and TB, substance abuse, chronic medical conditions, and mental health problems as a result of poverty, poor living conditions, intravenous drug use, inadequate health maintenance and disease prevention practices even before arrest or incarceration. Because of high risk behaviors and lack of knowledge about health promotion and disease prevention, offenders can affect local, state, and national public health departments. The identification of offender health care needs and development of health care programs may improve accesssibility of health services to this vulnerable offender population. Nurses are in a position to initiate and coordinate multidisciplinary health care programs for offenders. The nurse can provide insight based on the dual perspective of the unique needs of the offender and the community. In this symposium, the results of recent research studies will identify the prevalence of HIV/AIDS, TB, hepatitis, substance abuse, mental illness, and adolescent pregnancy in incarcerated individuals. The unique role of the nurse in interdisciplinary health care planning that addresses the continuum from incarceration to release will be explored. Implications for offender health promotion, publich health impact, and policy development will be discussed.
Organizer:Nancy A. Flanagan, PhD, RN
 Has Correctional Nursing Come of Age?
Cindy Peternelj-Taylor, RN, MSc
 Transitional Health Care Planning for Ex-offenders: Current Status in US Prisons and Importance for Nursing
Nancy A. Flanagan, PhD, RN
 University and Department of Corrections Partnership: Initiative to Promote Evidence-Based Practice and Excellence in Health Care for Juveniles in Detention
Anita G. Hufft, PhD, RN

37th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
Sigma Theta Tau International