Sunday, November 2, 2003: 10:30 AM-11:45 AM

Nurse Recruitment Strategies and Partners

 From Baby to Nurse: Workforce Development
Lisa Plowfield, PhD, RN, Evelyn R. Hayes, PhD, RN, CS-FNP, Bethany Hall-Long, PhD, RN
 Global Nursing Partnerships: Strategies for a Sustainable Nursing Workforce
Marla E. Salmon, ScD, RN, FAAN, Anne R. Bavier, MN, FAAN, Kathryn McCain Kite, BA, Judith L. Wold, PhD, RN
 The Magic Stethoscope Builds Diverse Partnerships to Enhance the Nursing Workforce
Jeanne Sorrell, RN, PhD, FAAN

37th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
Sigma Theta Tau International