Sunday, November 2, 2003: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM

Invited Session: Accessing Your Artfulness - Reclaiming the Aesthetics in YOUR Nursing

Learning Objective #1: Describe the rich legacy of art and aesthetics in nursing
Learning Objective #2: Develop at least one idea or lifeway/action to facilitate artfulness in YOUR nursing life
Art and the aesthetic nature of nursing have been deeply embedded within the discipline for a century or longer. Since Florence Nightingale asserted the importance of the aesthetic power of "nosegays" for sick people, nurses have sought opportunities to express their humanistic artfulness. However, in the past thirty years, aesthetics in nursing has been relegated to a less-important position within the discipline. Despite this, nurses often yearn for the opportunity to engage in -- and express-- their own personal artfulness within a highly technologically-based, practice discipline. How to balance these seeming disparities? The purpose of this presentation is to engage the audience in a highly-interactive, artful reclamation of the centrality of aesthetics in nursing, a process specifically designed to awaken the nurse-artist within. Activities will include discussion, humor and play as we journey together to discover at least one way in which even the most art-challenged of us can express artful nursing. We will celebrate the incredibly rich interior and intellectual lives of nurses and shine a spotlight on the dark places within that help each of us connect with our patients, their families, our students, each other, and our own deeper selves. Participants will be refreshed by an invigorated appreciation of the centrality of aesthetics in nursing practice, education, research and theory and in their own nurtured ability to be artistic nurses.
Organizer:M. Cecilia Wendler, RN, PhD, CCRN

37th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
Sigma Theta Tau International