Sunday, November 2, 2003: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM

Invited Session: Collaborative Baccalaureate Programs -- The Canadian Experience

Learning Objective #1: Demonstrate the diversity of structures and partnerships for collaborative baccalaureate nursing education
Learning Objective #2: Discuss the strategies, successes, and challenges of moving to baccalaureate entry to practice in a variety of provincial settings
Baccalaureate nursing education as entry to practice has long been a dream of many within the profession. Implementation of this dream has included working with governments, professional and regulatory bodies, unions and faculty and administration of educational institutions. In most Canadian provinces, collaborations between and amongst a variety of post-secondary educational institutions have resulted in diverse configurations of nursing education programs. In this presentation, five nurse educators who have lived the process in differing provinces talk about the challenges and successes they have experienced.
Presenters:Martha Elizabeth Horsburgh, RN, PhD
Catherine E. (Betty) Cragg, RN, MEd, EdD
Karen Wall, RN, BScN, MN
Maxine Mott, RN, BN, MEd, PhD
Organizer:Lynnette Stamler, RN, PhD

37th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
Sigma Theta Tau International