Thursday, July 12, 2007
This presentation is part of : Health Promotion Issues
A Health Education Intervention: Homeless Women's Knowledge about Hepatitis and Intent to Change Health Behaviors
Amy Callahan, N/A, College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Learning Objective #1: State two reasons for the increase in homelessness worldwide.
Learning Objective #2: State two affects on behavior as a result of the health education intervention.


The purpose of this study was to investigate what homeless women know about hepatitis and to determine if a health intervention class focused on hepatitis increased their knowledge about hepatitis. The study also examined the subjects’ intent to participate in behaviors to prevent hepatitis after the teaching intervention.


Homelessness and hepatitis are both prevalent problems in the world today and little research has addressed what homeless women know about hepatitis and related risk factors. In the United States, the Center for Disease Control estimated that in 2003 there were 61,000 new cases of hepatitis A, 73,000 new cases of hepatitis B, and 30,000 new cases of hepatitis C. Hepatitis is a threat to homeless women because they may participate in behaviors that put them at risk for hepatitis and have a lack of access to primary healthcare.


The study was a secondary data analysis. The sample included 59 women living in residential shelters for homeless women in the Southwestern United States. Data was collected by having the participants take a pre-test before the teaching intervention and post-test following the intervention. The data was analyzed using paired t-tests and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.


Results were significant for improvement in hepatitis knowledge score and intent to participate in behaviors aimed at preventing hepatitis. Results were not significant for a relationship between education level and the hepatitis knowledge score on the pre-test.


A major focus of nursing today is disease prevention and health promotion. This study examined the effectiveness of education as a means of disease prevention and health promotion, and discovered that education was effective at improving knowledge about hepatitis as well as behaviors aimed at the prevention of hepatitis. This study also helps to advance nursing by investigating what homeless women know about hepatitis.