Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of Transtheoretical Model Adolescent Sun Protection Scales

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Ozcan Aygun, PhD
Emergency Medical Services, Sakarya Health Directorate of Ministry of Health, Sakarya, Turkey
Ayse Ergun, PhD
Community Health Nursing, Marmara University, College of Nursing, Istanbul, Turkey

Learning Objective 1: SPBS and SPSES three and SPDBS two factor structure of valid and reliable Turkish culture.

Learning Objective 2: Pros and SPSES scores of increased progressively stages of changes, but Cons was reduced.

Purpose: This study was conducted for the purpose of adapting the Transtheoretichal model Sun Protection Decisional Balance (DBS) and Self Efficacy (SES) Scales for Turkish and testing its validity and reliability. DBS and SES scores to examine their relationship with Sun Protection and Sunscreen Stages of Changes.

Methods: Analyzed were internal reliability among 900 adolescent and test-retest stability among 91. Construct validity was evaluated by exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysis. Samples sizes for EFA and CFA were 449 and 451, respectively. 

Results: Cronbach's alpha coefficients surpassed .70 for Pros, Cons and SES. The test-retest correlation was found DBS Pros 0.56 and Cons 0.50, SES 0.71, sun avoidance subscale 0.48, sunscreen 0.71 and hat use sub scales of 0.54. The item to total score correlation coefficient was found Pros subscale 0.71-0.77, Cons subscale 0.56-0.78 and SES 0.84-0.86. Confirmatory factor loadings was between of the DBS 0.61-73 Pros, Cons 0.30-85, SES sun avoidance 0.58-69, sunscreen 0.74-82 and hat to use sub scale 0.73-0.76. DBS two-factor structure as result of the confirmatory factor analysis (GFI 0.96, AGFI 0.94 ve CFI 0.94, RMSEA .08) and SES three-factor structure (GFI 0.97, AGFI 0.94, CFI 0.97,  RMSEA <.07) scale was appropriate. Pros and SES scores were increased Sun Protection and Sunscreen Stages of Changes progressed.

Conclusion: The Turkish version of the Sun Protection DBS and SES was found validity and reliability. Pros and SES consistent relationship between the sun protection and sunscreen stages of change, but the cons no related.