Thursday, July 22, 2004: 4:45 PM-6:15 PM

Enhancing Methodological Rigor in Intervention Research

Learning Objective #1: Identify several critical methodological issues in intervention research
Learning Objective #2: Discuss strategies to overcome inherent challenges of intervention research
This symposium presents a series of papers on the most challenging methodological areas of intervention research today, including relevant examples from several ongoing nursing intervention studies. This topic is consistent with the theme of the conference as the conduct of rigorous intervention research provides the basis for evidence-based practice and building community through research. We will discuss various ways to standardize intervention protocols and maintain treatment integrity through the intervention processes. We will also describe the basics and challenges of economic analyses in intervention research. Use of qualitative research methods will be introduced as a tool for enhancing conclusion validity of interventions. In addition, the art and science of multidisciplinary research will be discussed. Practical recommendations will be given throughout the symposium to enhance methodological rigor in intervention research.
Organizer:Victoria Mock, DNSc, FAAN
Presenter:Victoria Mock, DNSc, FAAN
 Economic Analyses in Nursing Intervention Research
Jerilyn K. Allen, RN, ScD, FAAN
 Methods to Increase Participant Retention in Longitudinal Intervention Studies
Cheryl Dennison, PhD, RN
 Qualitative Research as a Tool for Enhancing Interpretation of Quantitative Results
Linda Rose, PhD, RN, Cheryl Dennison, PhD, RN, Miyong T. Kim, RN, PhD
 Standardizing Intervention Protocols: Maintaining Treatment Integrity
Victoria Mock, DNSc, FAAN

15th International Nursing Research Congress
Sigma Theta Tau International
July 22-24, 2004