Wednesday, July 21, 2004
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
This presentation is part of : Posters
Using Evidence-Based Nursing for Teaching Psychiatric Inpatients Develop Effective Community Reintegration Skills
Andrew Thomas Reyes, RN, MScN, Inpatient Mental Health Unit, Inpatient Mental Health Unit, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

Background: Teaching patients with mental illness on effective transitioning from the hospital to the community can be a challenging nursing experience. The lack of integration of hospital and community services, the level of acceptance of a patient's own illness, and the complexity of the culture and values of the patient population served can influence the discharge process. Integration of the best evidence available is required for effective patient education to improve clinical outcomes.

Objective: The purpose of this presentation is to support evidence-based nursing through the utilization of a teaching tool by inpatient psychiatric nurses in educating patients with mental illness on effective community reintegration.

Methodology: This teaching tool is comprised of four sections. The first section is an annotated bibliography which includes specific applications to the population served by the inpatient unit. The second section is the utilization of King's (1981) Systems Framework as the operational conceptual model of the teaching tool. The third section is a collection of themes on effective community reintegration obtained from patient focused groups and interviews with community service providers and other experts. The final section is comprised of nursing care plan templates on community reintegration that are based on the literature. Inpatient psychiatric nurses are trained in the utilization of this tool through scheduled in-service trainings.

Conclusions: Outcome measures from the internal inpatient discharge planner database will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the education program. Annual presentations of updated annotated bibliography and an accessible peer resource on community reintegration are needed to sustain learning and ongoing implementation of evidence-based nursing.

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Sigma Theta Tau International
July 21, 2004