Methods: This study used a survey design to elicit information from psychiatric mental health nurses about their basic knowledge related to the health factors associated with Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) in persons with SMI, to identify the practice activities associated with their role and to discover their perceived educational needs related to MetS. The authors developed a short knowledge test based on the criteria for MetS identified by the Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Obesity and Diabetes (2004). Next, with permission, we adapted the Mental Health Nurse Physical Health Attitude Scale (PHASe) developed by Robson and Haddad (2012). The survey was posted to a psychiatric nursing web-based, social media site. This study was approved by the University of Massachusetts Lowell IRB.
Results: Data from 154 completed surveys were analyzed representing registered nurses from across the US. The mean age was 55.3 and the mean number of years practicing mental health nursing was 20.61 years. While the majority
Conclusion: Despite development of standards for monitoring patients for metabolic risk at the Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Obesity and Diabetes (2004), nurses in our study were not routinely screening for all factors. Blood pressure monitoring, weight checks, waist circumference measurement and laboratory studies including fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1C measurement and lipid studies are all necessary to identify risk factors. While knowledge regarding MetS risk factors was high, integration of this knowledge into care was lagging. Developing interventions to improve outcomes for this population is critical.
See more of: Oral Paper & Poster: Evidence-Based Practice Sessions