Instrument for the Identification of Stressful Factors Perceived for Patients in the Intensive Care Unit

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Karen Tatiana Roa Lizcano, MSc
School of Nursing, National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
Renata Virginia Gonzalez Consuegra, PhD, MSc, RN
School of Nursing, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

BACKGROUND:Stress is considered a relevant problem in modern society because it produces various physiological alterations, such as tachycardia, increased blood volume, increased blood pressure, increased neural stimulation, change in respiratory rate, Retention of sodium among others.

Hospital admission favors the stress of the patient and his / her family. However, it can be exacerbated when the patient's situation suggests admission to an ICU (1).

People hospitalized in an ICU are exposed to a number of stimuli that generate adaptive or coping responses. Callista Roy, defines coping as the behavioral and cognitive efforts that a person performs to meet the demands of the environment, which act as a whole to maintain their vital processes and their integrity (2). Only by identifying those situations that generate stress in a patient in the ICU, it is possible to generate positive interventions in order to mitigate stressors that favor comfort and prompt recovery of the patient.

DESIGN:Five-phase psychometric study: instrument construction, facial validity, content validity, information analysis and dissemination. In facial validity, potential ICU patients were taken with inclusion criteria: being of age, knowing how to read and write, not having difficulty for oral or written communication. The sample was random simple, of 384 participants, size calculated with 95% confidence and error of 5%. Infinite population.

In validity of content, was counted on the participation of seven experts of the area with knowledge, trajectory and experience in UCI, academic and scientific merit, willingness to participate and absence of conflict of interest.

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: construct a health measurement instrument for the identification of stressors in the ICU from the "ESQ in Spanish".


• Determine the degree of facial validity of the instrument by potential patients.

• Determine the degree of validity of content by experts.


• The Instrument for the Identification of Stressful Factors Perceived by Patients in the Intensive Care Unit was constructed.

• The Instrument for the Identification of Stressful Factors Perceived by Patients in the Intensive Care Unit is an instrument with psychometric properties of facial validity determined by the comprehensibility of potential ICU patients.

• The Instrument for the Identification of Stressful Factors Perceived by Patients in the Intensive Care Unit is an instrument with psychometric properties of content validity determined by experts with the analysis of Kappa indexes of Fleiss, Lawche modified and coefficient V of Aiken Optimal.

• A health measurement instrument was constructed that, after the facial and content validity, yielded optimum results that allow the identification of stressors of patients in the ICU.

• The identification and intervention of stressors of patients in the ICU is a contribution to the improvement of their quality of life.

CONCLUSIONS:The Instrument for the Identification of Stressful Factors Perceived by Patients in the Intensive Care Unit has adequate psychometric properties of facial validity and content validity and will allow the description and measurement of this nursing phenomenon.