A Report That Doesn't Hurt

Monday, 30 October 2017: 2:15 PM

Hallie Hurt, BSN
Post Surgical, Midland Memorial Hospital, Midland, TX, USA


Nurses noncompliant with bedside report due to misperception of the timing of bedside reporting. There was misperception about time, HIPAA concerns and other nurses not cooperative as well as patient interruptions. Patient satisfaction decreasing due to absent bedside report at change of shift. Nursing satisfaction decreasing due to mandatory bedside reporting. Bedside reporting at change of shift promotes patient safety. Without bedside report, patients are more at risk for falls and injuries.

Bedside reporting had become a noncompliant issue within our post surgical unit. We knew we would run into friction with the staff and possible issues with bedside reporting. "Despite challenges related to privacy, distractions, and integration of nursing technicians to the change, bedside shift report reduced shift report times and improved nursing satisfaction"(Evans, Friese, Grunawait, McClish, &Wood, 2012).


Implement positive change of attitude with a new perspective on bedside reporting. Create a handoff report that brings patient satisfaction as well as nursing satisfaction. Develop a system to promote patient safety during change of shift reporting. Eliminate the barrier with bedside reporting. We hoped change the attitude with information that had positive outcomes. "Nurse-to-nurse bedside handoff has increased patient safety, satisfaction and nursing satisfaction" (Maxson, Derby, Wrobleski, & Foss, 2012).


Filter out the current communication barrier with bedside report. Educate nursing staff on the positives of bedside reporting. Educate nurse’s aides on the importance of bedside report. Discuss with patient’s what they want to hear at bedside reporting. Discover what’s important to nurses when handing off report.

 Data collection

  • Anonymous surveys from front line nursing staff
  • Anonymous surveys from patients & families


  • The bedside reporting issue has improved. The barrier of communication is slowly resolving. Nurses are beginning to participate with bedside reporting, resulting in improved patient satisfaction scores.

 The Academy of Inquisitive Thinking is a wonderful program for the frontline staff nurses. The number one goal of nursing is to be an advocate for your patients. A nurse is always searching for ways to improve healthcare for their patients and implement the best practices for patients helps to improve patient outcomes. The Academy of Inquisitive Thinking provided a pathway for me to expand my research knowledge and challenge my critical thinking skills. It provided tools to help create and implement change projects that impacts the way I provide care to my patients. Evidence-based practice is the soul of nursing research. I have never really had strong research skills and the academy gave me the confidence I needed in order make the practice change that needed to be done.