Nursing Students Experience With Virtual Clinical Excursions

Sunday, 29 October 2017: 10:45 AM

Alham Abuatiq, PhD
NURSING, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA

Background: The aims of this study was to first, investigate nursing students’ perceptions about the effectiveness of implementing the Virtual Clinical Excursions (VCE) in improving their learning experiences, and second, to evaluate the effectiveness of (VCE) in improving students’ assessment skills, and third, to investigate if the (VCE) improved students’ oral and written communication skills.

Methodology: Mixed methods descriptive design.

Results: Quantitative findings about VCE effectiveness reflected26.2% (n=11) of students reported that the VCE was very effective (Score=10) in improving their nursing learning experience. VCE effects on improving students’ physical assessment skills were evaluated by using Likert type question from 0="not applicable" to 5= "strongly agree". Findings reflected that 23.8% (n=10) reported "Strongly agree", and 50% (n= 21) reported "Agree" in response to the VCE having improved their physical assessment skills.

Students were asked to rate this question “In general, do you agree on the use of e-learning in the nursing program (10=strongly agree)”. Results reflected that 33.3% (n=14) of students reported "Strongly Agree (10)" for the use of e-learning in nursing, followed by 21.4% (n=9) who reported "Agree (8)" for the same variable.

Descriptive data analysis reflected that the top rated items included the following: 45.2% (n=19) of students reported “Strongly agree” for item #16, “ I was able to check my patients lab results and correlate it to my patient’s medical diagnosis :Related to Nursing", followed by 40.5% (n=17) of students reported “Strongly Agree” for item #17, “I was able to virtually administer medication for my patient according to the Medication Administration Record”. Along with item #18, “I was able to check medications information from the drug book icon”. In addition, 35.7% (n=15) of students reported “Strongly agree “for item #15, “I was able to select and prioritize Nursing diagnosis for my patient”.

The majority of students 45.2% (n= 19) reported "Agree" that (VCE) improved their written communication skills, versus 40.5% (n= 17) of students reported "Neutral" for the (VCE) effects on improving their oral communication skills.

Conclusion: Overall, students reported that the VCE was an effective e-learning program.