The structure and process of a community-based maternal and newborn care model for preventing maternal mortality and newborn death in Ethiopia, based on the findings from empirical perspectives of the study as conceptualized following the six aspects of activity by Dickoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968:422) form the basis for development and description of the model for averting maternal mortality and newborn deaths in Ethiopia. Agent - who or what performs the activity? (The community midwife or health workers, and the community).
Recipient - who or what is the recipient of the activity? (The mother and the newborn baby).
Context - In what context is the activity performed? (Home, en route to health facility and health facility).
Purpose - What is the end result of the activity (averting maternal mortalities and newborn deaths).
Dynamic - What is the power sources that can drive the activity towards the attainment of the goal (best interest of the community).
Procedure - What is the guiding procedure (Set of modus operandi for community maternal and newborn care).
Finally, the model was evaluated using the pre-determined criteria by Chinn and Kramer (2008:192-196) and refined by experts in qualitative research and theory generation. Guidelines were developed which do not form part of this article. Theoretical validity was ensured. Recommendations, limitations, challenging hypothesis and conclusions were made.