In July 2012, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted Special consultative status to STTI, which refers to expertise in the field of nursing and global health. This demonstrates STTI’s commitment to achieving international cooperation toward solving humanitarian related issues. This was predicated on the approval as an associated non-governmental organization (NGO) by the Department of Public Information of the United Nations (UN) in December 2009.
Through our United Nations affiliation, STTI commits to disseminate information and raise public awareness about the purposes and activities of the United Nations and related issues of global concern. STTI will continue to conduct outreach around the world to help our nurse members better understand the work of the United Nations, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To fulfill our mission, STTI has three volunteers – one United Nations liaison, two United Nations youth representatives - who are the ‘eyes and ears’ at various United Nations activities and events. Their purpose is to represent STTI to the United Nations by attending briefings, presentations and as appropriate, participating in United Nations committees, working groups, activities, and events.
Guidelines have been developed to identify our representatives who represent STTI at various United Nations functions with the end goals of 1) encouraging and facilitating participation of STTI members and 2) to enhance the organization’s global reach, impact and participation within the global healthcare community. Additionally, a recruitment, selection, preparation and evaluation process has been developed, as well as a mechanism for documenting, compiling and reporting United Nations activities to members.
See more of: Symposia: Leadership Sessions