D 16 Global Nursing Collaborations to Improve Patient Safety: Practice, Education, and Research

Sunday, 29 October 2017: 2:45 PM-4:00 PM
Summary: How can practice, education and research come together to study and implement best practices in the preparation of future generations of nurses? This symposium will focus on global education, practice and research collaborations to 1) evaluate novice nurse competency; 2) improve transition to practice; and 3) develop nurse educators.
Moderators:  Anne Marie Jean-Baptiste, PhD, MSN, MS, RN, CCRN, CEN, Department of Health, Nursing, and Nutrition, University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC
Symposium Organizers:  Susan Forneris, PhD, Center for Innovation in Simulation and Technology, National League for Nursing, Washington, DC, USA
Preparing Nurse Educators to Evaluate Novice Nurse Competency: Collaborative Research Findings

Susan Forneris, PhD
Center for Innovation in Simulation and Technology, National League for Nursing, Washington, DC, USA

Preparing Nurses for Practice: Addressing the Gap From Education to Practice

Molly E. Kellgren, MSN
National League for Nursing, Washington, DC, USA

Preparing Nurse Educators for Simulation Education: An International Development Model

Amy Kline, MSN
Center of Innovation in Simulation and Technology, National League for Nursing, Washington, DC, USA