Board of Nursing Complaint: One Nurse's Journey

Saturday, 16 November 2019: 2:35 PM

LeAnne S. Prenovost, DNP
College of Nursing, Chamberlain University, Downers Grove, IL, USA

This presentation is based on an actual case study about the ramifications of a State Board of Nursing complaint filed against the license of a practicing nurse educator in the Southwestern United States. This real-life story, will help the audience again an understanding of the lengthy overall board of nursing complaint process from the perspective of the nurse under board investigation.The audience will be led on the journey of this case that lasted several years prior to final resolution. Included in the discussion is who can file a State Board of Nursing complaint against a nurse. The entire complaint process is reviewed, from the initial receipt of the complaint, through the investigative process, up to the Board appearance and the aftermath. This process is not well known by nurses but vital information to have. The primary propose of the State Board of Nursing is public protection and not nurse protection, this is why attorney representation is a necessary consideration. Attorney representation is expensive but offers many benefits to the nurse whose license is being investigation. A complaint against a nursing license is a nurses worse nightmare and horror and shock are common. Many cases can be lengthy, therefore necessary steps to maintain physical and emotional health during this arduous time are needed. A complaint against one's nursing license has the potential to destroy ones personal and professional life; therefore care of self is paramount. Examples of self care will be explored and well as how to develop resiliency to wait out the storm and maintain professionalism as a practicing nurse with an open board of nursing complaint. Professional liability or malpractice insurance will be highlighted as well as a discussion on the different types of coverage available to nurses. This presentation promised to inspire hope and strength for any nurse facing a board of nursing complaint and investigation. Follow along on this journey, it promises to not disappoint!