Aim/ Goal/ Purpose: The purpose of this IRB exempt quality improvement project was to implement the Maternal Early Warning tool and measure how the tool impacts nursing early recognition when caring for maternal patients experiencing warning signs of a postpartum hemorrhage.
- Develop a multidisciplinary team
- Perform a literature review
- Obtain IRB and Performance Improve Committee approval
- Conduct baseline and pre and post education assessment related to nurses and physicians
- Create and Implement online education
- Create and implement tip sheets for each nurse as a reference
- Request Maternal Early Warning tool be added to the EMR as a SMARTPHRASE to use as a communication tool
- Work with unit leader to reinforce education and use of tool
- Retrospective Chart Analysis looking at the following quality metrics:
- Time of delivery, cumulative blood loss (QBL), time second hemorrhage medications administered outside of 2nd bag of oxytocin administration (timing / type) if blood products received
Results / Anticipated outcomes: The anticipated outcome is that nurse will recognize a postpartum hemorrhage sooner with using the Maternal Early Warning tool. Earlier recognition will help expedite the management and treatment of a post-partum hemorrhage by administering appropriate medication more quickly and a decrease in the need of blood product administration.
Conclusion: The outcomes of this project should suggest that the use of an Early Warning system facilitates earlier recognition of early warning signs and management which will in return decrease the need of a blood product administration, eventually decrease incidence of postpartum hemorrhage which will ultimately decrease incidence of maternal mortality and morbidity.