Development of Falls Prevention Model for Thai-Elderly in Community

Monday, 18 November 2019

Uraiwan Pantong III, MNS, NP
ฺBanmaidang health promoting hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, Meaung Nakhon si thammarat, Thailand

The participatory action research aimed to development of falls prevention model for Thai-elderly in community, Southern of Thailand.The developmental model were three cycles; preparing, developing, evaluating and terminating; each of which included planning, action, observation and reflection. The participants were elderly aged 60 and above, caregivers, community leaders, village health volunteers, and healthcare providers. Data were collected from May 2018 to October 2019 by interviewing with questionnaire, physical examination of the elderly, multi factorial intervention, observing environment inside elderly’s house and community. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis. Triangulation was applied to validity of the study.

The result in first phase of study was found 25.5 % of older adults experience falls during 6 months before the study and 72.3 % of older adults experienced fall in their home. Significant risk factors were female, visually impaired, disorders of balance, hypertension and obesity. Environmental factors were slippery floor and environment disorganized. Guidelines for the prevention of falls were to improve the environment in and outside the house, to promote exercise for the elderly and educate whom on the prevention of fall in community. Healthcare system 's barriers for management falling among elderly in community found that the older people denial regarding falls-related advice,the healthcare provider themselves lacked the skills to manage falls, and lacked training on fall prevention.The results of the data analysis were presented to the community, the local administrative organizations and, the involved governmental sectors for development and cooperation on falls prevention program in the community. In addition, the results of first phase of research lead to the development of a fall prevention model in second phase and It has ongoing since October 2018 by developing village health volunteers and caregivers about their knowledge and skill on fall prevention program.The older people were categorized into 4 groups by risk factors and falls prevention activities were arranged on observed risk factors as follows 1) Elderly in improper environment 2) Elderly with impaired body balance 3) Elderly with impaired visual acuity 4)Elderly using medication with risk to falls and 5) Elderly with impaired cognitive function and mental health.The falls prevention program was developed by focus group and participatory learning group according to Center for Diseases Control and Prevention's fall prevention concept.