D 03 SPECIAL SESSION: Getting Published: Tips, Traps, and Strategies

Sunday, 17 November 2019: 1:45 PM-3:00 PM
The Editors of the Journal of Nursing Scholarship and Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, both well-published nurse researchers will present this session on getting published. The presentation will cover tips for planning and writing manuscripts, including deciding on the kind of manuscript, following author guidelines, formatting, and thinking about target audience.
Organizer:  Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN, College of Nursing, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Moderator:  Cynthia A. Diefenbeck, PsyD, APRN, BC, School of Nursing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA