Horizontal Violence on CRNAs: A Study of Prevalence and Impact

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ruth L. Ticknor, CRNA, DNP
Nursing Program/Anesthesiology Department, Vermont Technical College/Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH

Learning Objective 1: identify horizontal violence issues within the CRNA population

Learning Objective 2: summarize the impact that horizontal violence has upon the CRNA population

Horizontal violence or interpersonal conflict with verbal abuse is a very real entity within the healthcare provider arena. The phenomenon has been researched in nursing over the past two decades by nurse researchers as well as social science researchers. While stress and work relationships have been topics of research in the nurse anesthesia literature, there have been no studies examining the prevalence and impact of horizontal violence in the CRNA work environment.  The literature tells us that horizontal violence within the operating room environment is common and CRNAs are exposed to this milieu everyday. The purpose of this research study is to describe the prevalence of horizontal violence within the work environment of the CRNA. In addition, the impact of such phenomena upon the CRNA will be examined. Data gained from this study will help guide the AANA with its wellness initiatives.