The Effects of Resilience Promoting Program On Depression of High School Students in Bangpakong District, Thailand

Sunday, November 1, 2009: 2:45 PM

Ganoksri Jard-ngoen, MS, RN, APN
Psychiatric-mental health for adult nursing, Bangpakong Community Hospital, Bangpakong, Chachongsao, Thailand
Aporn Deenan, PhD, RN
Adualt, Burapha University, Cholburi, Thailand
Pootrakool Wanvilai, MS, RN
Psychiatric - Mental Health Department, Public Health Department, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Arun Deasa, BA
Mental Health, Bangpakong Community Hospital, Chachoengsao, Tonga

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to evaluate the resilience promoting program with depressive high school

Learning Objective 2: depressive score

The prevalence of depression among Thai adolescents has been increasing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resilience promoting program with depressive high school students. Two group pre-post tests was designed. Children’s Depressive  Inventory (CDIwas used to measure depression in this study. Sample was 14 eight-grade students who lived in Bangpakong district, Chachoengchao, Thailand.  Students who reported depressive scores over 19 were divided into two groups based on depressive score matching. The resilience promoting program and happiness note-sheets were provided to the intervention group, whereas counseling (regular guideline) and happiness note-sheet was given to the control group. Data were collect 2 times; pretest and post test a month apart. Paired t-tests indicated that pre and post depressive scores of both intervention group and control group were significantly different at level .05. However, Man Witney U indicated that the depressive scores of the intervention group were non-significant difference from the control group. From the results, bigger sample size will need to confirm the outcomes.