Innovative Teaching Strategies: No More Sage on the Stage

Tuesday, November 3, 2009: 3:05 PM

Astrid H. Wilson, RN, DSN
Lynda P. Nauright, RN, EdD
WellStar School of Nursing, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA

Learning Objective 1: discuss principles of learner-centered teaching including student resistance and the need for student “buy in.”

Learning Objective 2: describe three unique innovative teaching strategies to be used in different types of courses.

Leadership in nursing education provides the spring board for preparing students who have the skills to meet global health needs. One of the challenges for nursing faculty in the changing paradigm from instructor-oriented classrooms to learner-centered classrooms is to get student “buy in.” Some students still prefer to have a lecture and take the stance that when they are asked to participate or present in a classroom they are teaching themselves. They believe they are paying for their education so the faculty should do all the teaching. Creating learner-centered classrooms has the potential of increasing student life-learning skills and application of knowledge in different contexts. The implementation of learner-centered environments necessitates a change in the roles of both faculty and student including faculty and student sharing power in the classroom. Faculty must strive to understand why students resist and provide skills to help them adapt new roles such as collaborating with others in groups, teaching others, solving authentic problems and engaging in reflection. Students resist learner-centered teaching for various reasons such as being used to lectures and taking exams, resisting putting forth the required effort, having a mindset that is not congruent with a learner-centered environment, and following the path of least resistance in their learning (Doyle, 2008). One way to meet the challenge of student “buy in” is the adoption of innovative teaching strategies in the classroom or in online courses. The purpose of this presentation is to examine the principles of the learner-centered environment including why students resist learner-centered teaching and present three innovative teaching strategies that facilitate student “buy in.” Off Campus Interviews, Village Food, and Evidence-Based Group Project are unique innovative strategies that will be described and implementation methods provided. Emphasis will be placed on how other faculty can use these strategies in different courses.