The Advancing Research and Clinical practice through close Collaboration (ARCC) model for implementing and sustaining evidence-based practice (EBP) was originally conceptualized as part of a strategic planning initiative to unify research and clinical practice in order to advance evidence-based practice (EBP) within an academic medical center for the ultimate purpose of improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes. Findings from an EBP survey with advanced practice and point of care nurses in the medical center about the barriers and facilitators of EBP along with Control Theory guided the formulation of key constructs in the ARCC model. A key facilitator of EBP within the medical center identified by nurses who completed the survey was a mentor, which eventually became the key central mechanism for implementing and sustaining EBP in the ARCC model. ARCC has further evolved over the past decade as a result of empirical testing of key relationships in the model and work with healthcare institutions. In this presentation, the ARCC model will be presented and evidence to support the role of the EBP mentor in enhancing EBP beliefs and implementation by clinicians will be highlighted. Evidence-based practice mentors are a key mechanism for advancing and sustaining EBP in healthcare organizations.
See more of: Symposia: Leadership Sessions