Usage of Over the Counter (OTC) Drugs in Urban Community of Karachi, Pakistan

Tuesday, November 3, 2009: 1:35 PM

Salima Moez Meherali, BScN, MScN
School of Nursing, The Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
Yasmin P. Parpio, BScN, MSc, Epi, &, Bio
School of Nursing, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan

Learning Objective 1: • To estimate the prevalence of OTC drug usage in urban community of Karachi Pakistan

Learning Objective 2: • To determine the factors associated with usage of OTC drugs in urban community of Karachi, Pakistan

In recent years people are buying more drugs for them without any prescription. Over the counter (OTC) drugs have emerged recently as drugs of serious misuse across Pakistan, and other neighboring countries. This is one of the major dilemma in the developing countries that even un-prescribed/powerful medications are available without prescription from the small community based pharmacy stores. Selling antibiotics without the prescription is illegal in most of the developed countries but is been sold as OTC in majority of the developing countries around the world.  In developing countries where antibiotics are sold over the counter, many of the antibiotics don't work anymore against illnesses that used to be easily treatable, such as pneumonia, cholera and gonorrhea.  In real sense, there is no ‘prescription only drug' is in Pakistan at present. One can get any drugs from anywhere. Only need is money; no prescription indeed.
Objectives of the study:
·         To estimate the prevalence of OTC drug usage in urban community of Karachi Pakistan
·         To determine the factors associated with usage of OTC drugs in urban community of Karachi, Pakistan
An analytical Cross-sectional study design was employed. The study participants were comprised of all individuals aged 20 & above from Rehmani garden community. A comprehensive questionnaire was administered to 100 participants using simple random sampling.  Chi-square test was run to determine the factors associated with usage of OTC drugs.
The study is still in progress. The study findings will be obtained by the end of February 2009.