Community Partnerships in Child Obesity Work

Sunday, November 1, 2009: 11:40 AM

Margaret S. Argentine, PhD, RN, CNE
Marilyn T. Caldwell, MS, APN, CNE
Baccalaureate Nursing, Morrisville State College, Morrisville, NY

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to describe how to craft a collaborative comunity effort for primary work on child obesity research.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to describe how nursing students can be directly involved in primary child obesity research.

The growing global threat of obesity warrants attention in all countries.  Overweight and obesity are on the rise in low and middle-income countries, especially in urban settings.  Despite the growing trends, very little primary data is available to document prevalence rates of obesity in children.  This symposium presents the work and findings of a rural northeast USA collaborative community project on child obesity that holds promise for best practices.  Through the primary work of RN to BS nursing students and faculty, in collaboration with a local department of health and a Board of Cooperative Educational Services, more than 3000 Kindergarten to Grade 12 children, from four school districts have been measured and weight status categories assigned.  Preliminary findings from descriptive statistics indicate that the prevalence rates of overweight and obese children exceed published reports.