Improve Priority Setting for Emergency and Add-on Cases by Introducing Color Code System in Operating Room

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Munira Amin, BScN
Parveen Amir Ali, Post, RN, BScN
Tehmina Tariq, Post, RN, BScN
Shazia Tabassum, RN
Operating Room, Nursing Services, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan

Learning Objective 1: The Learners will be able to learn the guidelines for Emergnecy cases classification in Operating Room on basis of its severity.

Learning Objective 2: The Learners will be able to diffrentiate between emergency, semi-emergency and elective add-on cases on with the help of color codes.


In an eleven operating room (OR) setting having block scheduling system only one OR is designated for emergency cases. Registration of emergent, urgent and semi-urgent cases was all classified as red emergency.  If a red case is booked OR is kept empty whether the case arrives within one hour or more. As a result of this quality circle defined guidelines for proper classification of emergency cases under the umbrella of color codes were developed.


A Juran’s Continuous Quality Improvement project was done to review the previous system of emergency case classification. Data from November 2009 to January 2010 revealed that 59.98% cases took more than one hour to arrive into OR. The multidisciplinary team formulated a new guideline for prioritization of emergency cases on its nature of emergency by giving color codes as below:


After the implementation of new guidelines the previous 100% red cases till February 2010 were now divided into groups of red, orange and blue as 48.8%, 43.69% and 6.64% respectively from March to May 2010.  This all has contributed in increasing patient satisfaction and decreased patient’s NPO time.


This strategy of classification of emergency cases is a useful tool in running an emergency OR where prioritization of cases is a challenge and influx of emergency cases is very high.


On World Quality Day celeberation 2010, this quality circle was presented and rewarded as first prize in the competition.

See more of: Poster Session I
See more of: Oral Paper & Poster: Evidence-Based Practice Contest