Filipino Professional Birth Attendants' Perceptions about Maternal Services and Childbirth at Home

Tuesday, 1 November 2011: 8:50 AM

Stephen C. Hadwiger, PhD, MS(N), RN
Mariquit C. Hadwiger, MS(N), RN
Department of Nursing, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO

Learning Objective 1: Describe maternal services provided at local clinic settings from municipalities outside Iloilo City, Philippines.

Learning Objective 2: Discuss issues associated with childbirths at home assisted by traditional birth attendants from the perspectives of professional birth attendants.

The Department of Health-Republic of the Philippines (DHRP; 1999) reported prenatal care by a professional birth attendant (physician, nurse, or midwife) reduced risks during childbirth. One third of women in the Philippines use a traditional birth attendant (paltera) during childbirth (DHRP, 2003).  The purpose of this second phase ethnographic study was to describe maternal care services and perceptions among professional birth attendants from municipalities in Iloilo Province where Filipina mothers had previously been interviewed.   A convenience sample of 15 licensed midwives and one registered nurse were interviewed regarding their services to Filipino mothers and perceptions about mothers’ cultural beliefs.  Fieldwork included visits to municipal health centers and neighborhood health stations.  A template analysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005) revealed descriptions of prenatal care, childbirth care, post-natal care, perceptions of mothers’ folk beliefs, and concerns about childbirth in the mother’s home. Consistent with cultural brokerage (Tripp-Reimer, Brink, Pinkham, 1999), informants sorted mothers’ cultural beliefs as beneficial, harmless, and harmful.  Due to new regulations in the Philippines requiring the presence of a professional birth attendant, this study provides a basis for cultural brokerage between lower socioeconomic mothers and professional birth attendants.

Department of Health, Republic of the Philippines. (DHRP; 1999). 1998 National demographic and health survey. Retrieved August 15, 2008, at

DHRP. (2003). Philippines 2003 NDHS Facts and Figures.  Retrieved August 15, 2008 at

Hsieh, H-F., & Shannon, S.E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis.  Qualitative Health Research, 15, 1277-1288.

Tripp-Reimer, T., Brink, P.J., & Pinkham, C.S. (1999). Culture brokerage.  In G.M. Bulechek & J.C. McCloskey’s (Eds.) Nursing interventions: Effective nursing treatments (pp. 637-649). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.