Results Speak Volumes: The New Paradigm for Partnerships

Sunday, 30 October 2011: 3:25 PM

Sheila A. Ryan, PhD, RN
College of Nursing, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE

The INLI program was a resounding success.  The majority (72%) of INLI graduates believed the program had helped them in gaining respect from their physician colleagues.  Almost all (87%) felt that graduating from the Institute helped them significantly to recognize their professional and leadership capabilities. Out of the 47 nurse respondents, 34% received a promotion at their workplace during or after the training. Three graduates were promoted to the position of Head Nurse; two changed their position to Chief Nurse and Deputy Chief Physician; and the rest had new titles such as Chair of Nursing Department, Lab Specialist, and District Leader Nurse. Almost all nurses responded that they were either very satisfied (72%) or satisfied (23%) with the INLI program.  Around 23% liked the multicultural experience of the training, e.g., the possibility to share practices with nurses from different countries; and 28% liked the opportunity to obtain new knowledge and professional skills, such as leadership (17%), teambuilding (17%), adult learning (9%), project development (17%), barrier (13%) and time management (15%), communication (13%) and presentation skills (11%), conflict resolution (9%), change management (17%), negotiation (9%), system thinking (9%), client service (6%), publishing (6%), and continuous quality improvement (6%). The respondents suggested continuing the INLI project (23%) and collaboration of students and faculty by organizing annual conferences where graduates would have an opportunity to share their experiences. And by creating the Armenia Congress, we have, with the support of the Global Education Development Institute; (GEDI) changed the paradigm. INLI graduates reunited with their peers in the first of many annual conferences.  Under the direction of GEDI, continuous learning through cross-cultural partnerships will impact education, research and practice in countries beyond borders.  The speaker addresses key results, triggers of success and a template for future partnerships under the direction of GEDI.