Making Change Work for Nurse Educators

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Nelouise Geyer, MCur, BCur
Nursing Education Association, Pretoria, South Africa
Sharon Vasuthevan, PhD
Nursing, Life Healthcare, Pretoria, South Africa

Learning Objective 1: Understand the development opportunities that leading change brought to the professional organization and its members

Learning Objective 2: Identify lessons learned in leading change in a professional organization


Professions and their professional organizations are constantly changing to remain relevant to the social order and the changed needs of the society they serve. The nursing education scenery is changing at a rapid pace in South Africa. This required strengthening of the nursing education association to assist, support and empower nurse educators to meet these challenges.


A project is underway to achieve this objective. A summary of the project will be provided.

Resutls: Lessons learned

Leading the change

  • A Champion to drive the process is essential.

 Professional Growth

  • The process provided a leadership development opportunity for professionals with rapid growth for the participants.
  • Collaboration with other professionals is key – work with other groups who have done the same. Don’t re- invent the wheel.
  • Focus on the goal of the organization to prevent getting distracted with smaller projects.
  • Consultation with the community of professionals to ensure that the organization understand their needs.

New Opportunities

  • Use experts outside your professional circle - learn new ways of thinking and acting.
  • Financial acumen – associations are expensive to operate. Know the numbers.
  • Professions grow at a rapid pace – plan for possibilities.
  • Centers of excellence - identify same within your organization.


  • Negative comments – don’t let it get you down.
  • Obstacles – some days look bleaker than others. Remember it is a process.
  • Professional jealousy.


  • Consultants - don’t always know best.
  • Costs must be clarified upfront.
  • Plan for the future in terms of goals and finance.
  • Partnerships must be fully understood.


Leading change has offered a steep learning curve and remains an exciting journey