Integrated Community Education Model: Breast Health Awareness to Impact Late Stage Breast Cancer

Saturday, 29 October 2011: 3:55 PM

Jean T. Walker, PhD, RN
School of Nursing, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
LaDonna Kaye Northington, DNS, CCRN, BC
School of Nursing, University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS
Tina M. Martin, PhD, RN, CFNP
School of Nursing, University of Mississippi School of Nursing, Jackson, MS
P. Ren�e Williams, PhD
School of Nursing, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS

Learning Objective 1: 1.Describe three essential elements of the Breast Health educational model and the implications for education and practice.

Learning Objective 2: 2.Discuss steps for replication and adaptation of the model to a variety of geographic areas and populations.

The purpose of the study was to generate and test an integrated community education model in a medically underserved area that has evidence of significantly higher mortality rates from breast cancer. The goal of the project was to increase participation in breast health education, provide early screening and detection practices, and provide access to annual mammograms and referral sources for treatment of problems. A three pronged integrated community intervention model (faith based, community, and state agencies) was developed and implemented to impact late stage breast cancer diagnosis in an underserved rural area. A total of 53 participants attended four Pink Lady Day screenings and  20 women participated in the train-the-trainer sessions for ongoing breast health education. Participants ranged from 12 to 71 years old with 48 African American and 5 Caucasian women. Three participants, ages 49, 48 and 37 and all African American women, were diagnosed as having early stage cancer development and were referred to an oncologist for treatment. The integrated community model provided three women with life-saving early diagnosis and treatment as well as providing potentially hundreds of women with a network of breast health, self –monitoring, and referral sources for breast health problems in the future.