The Global Impact that the World Health Organization has on Nursing and Midwifery Services

Monday, 31 October 2011

Debra Jane Anderson, PhD, RN, BA, GDNS, (ed), MN
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to have an understanding of the impact that the World Health Organisation has on nursing and midwifery services

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to describe the important World Health Organization meetings that shape nursing and midwifery services at the Global level.

Nurses and midwives have a significant and pivotal role in providing health services globally. This presentation will analyze the impact that the World Health Organization has on nursing and midwifery services at a global level. These will be based on the experience of the author (Anderson) who undertook a nurse scholar program working with the Chief Nursing Officer of the WHO on the new strategic directions for Nursing and Midwifery 2010-2015. Discussion will centre on the key outcomes from meetings and documents that are shaping the way nursing and midwifery services are provided throughout the world. This talk will discuss how nurses and midwives can play a crucial and strategic role in global health care and have a particular opportunity through their nursing and midwifery services to influence the current concerns of global health care reforms.