Learning Objective 1: Describe the elements of an innovative collaboration that supports the creation and spread of an evidence-based nursing culture from academia to practice.
Learning Objective 2: Discuss strategies and approaches to integrating evidence-based guidelines throughout the nursing curriculum
Recently, a university school of nursing in Connecticut joined this network of over 50 service and academic organizations, committed to enhancing nursing practice, as the first International BPSO candidate. The school of nursing in Connecticut offers both a baccalaureate of nursing for RNs, as well as a Master of Science in Nursing (education, management, public health). Their student population is unique, as all students are professional adult learners, who are RNs practicing in a range of roles across the state and beyond. This provides strategic opportunities for spread of evidence-based practices, as the students take a leadership role in implementing and evaluating best practice guidelines in their workplaces.
This presentation will describe the structure of the BPSO initiative, the nature of the collaboration established between the professional association in Ontario, Canada and the academic nursing program in Connecticut; and, the innovative approaches used to integrate evidence-based practices into both a baccalaureate and masters nursing curriculum.