Harnessing the Power of Public Datasets in Professional Nursing Practice

Tuesday, 1 November 2011: 9:10 AM

Katharine S. West, MPH, MSN, RN, CNS
Systems Solutions & Deployment, Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA

Learning Objective 1: Identify 2 sources of publically available datasets useful in professional nursing practice.

Learning Objective 2: Describe the 4 steps of data and information management to support evidence-based nursing practice.

As the health record becomes more computerized, datasets are quickly becoming the next tool of the professional nurse. Already, thanks to the United Nations and World Health Organization data initiatives, the world is rapidly acquiring increased Internet access to governmental databases all over the world. Online search tools are being designed to effectively use these datasets to easily deliver information. The challenge is to know where to find certain data, and how to use it appropriately. This presentation will demonstrate through static screenshots of selected Internet sources how to effectively use publically available databases to support professional nursing practice. Cautions about the need for public scrutiny and verification of such datasets, methodology, and sources and potential misapplication of data will be reviewed.