Promoting Women's Health as a Nurse Practitioner and Cultural Broker

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Jackie L. Michael, PhD, APRN, WHNP-BC
College of Nursing at University of Texas at Arlington, University fo Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX

Learning Objective 1: Learner will be able to develop strategies to remove identified barriers to health promotion in vulnerable population served by WHNP .

Learning Objective 2: Learner will be able to evaluate personal progression in a journey towards culturally sensitive care provider as WHNP.

Health Promotion simply stated is removal of barriers. So, what makes Health Promotion a challenging task? One’s obvious response would be to remove the barriers so health promotion can occur. Removal of barriers becomes essential for health promotion particularly in regards to vulnerable population. Identifying and defining the population is the first step followed by equally significant next step as we begin to identify barriers for a given population. Equally essential and perhaps a precursor to these steps would be the key concept of becoming familiar with the population in question, its members, and their norms and beliefs. The bigger challenge is finding health care providers and professionals who understand health, health promotion and removal of barriers along with an ability to not only communicate with the members of this vulnerable population but also be effective because they understand the cultural norms and beliefs related to health. Without realizing the evolution process, I have become this effective promoter of health for women from countries in the Middle East and Asian subcontinent who are seeking information, care and services. The services and education topics fall within the scope of practice of a WHNP. The effectiveness is due to my experience and training as a WHNP and nurse-Colposcopist, though even more because I am accepted as a cultural broker. WHNP would continue to develop as effective cultural brokers and effective Women’s Health Care Providers. Create environment for discussions to redefine vulnerable population to include women of all ages from adolescents to postmenopausal women. Create forum for discussion to identify the barriers and strategies to remove barriers to health promotion for women of all ages. Creation of personal plans for advancement on the continuum towards culturally sensitive care to women of all ages and diverse cultural heritage after careful self-evaluation by WHNP.