Sunday, November 2, 2003

This presentation is part of : Pediatric Health Promotion

Parenting Information Needs of Parents of Young Children: Implications for Nurses

Christine A. Ateah, RN, PhD, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Learning Objective #1: Describe the information and learning needs and preferences regarding parenting issues as determined for a sample of parents of young children
Learning Objective #2: Identify the role of the nursing profession in assisting parents of young children in the areas of health and safety promotion with their children


The purpose of this study was to determine from parents of young children their sources of knowledge on such topics as disciplinary responses with children, and expected child development, as well as their attitudes toward the use of physical punishment, and their parenting information needs and preferences. Findings can be used in the development of effective parent education programs to promote healthy child development.


A cross-sectional survey design was used for this study. Subjects (N = 170) were selected by convenience sampling through day cares representing different areas of a large metropolitan area. Interested participants completed self-questionnaires and returned them by mail.


The sources of parent knowledge in the areas of child development and discipline most frequently identified by respondents were through discussions with other parents, parenting books and respondents' own experiences. There were no significant differences in scores of attitudes toward physical punishment based on the source of information, although mean score differences approached significance for those parents who responded that their information on disciplinary strategies was obtained through parenting classes, compared to those who did not obtain this information through parenting classes. Over 90% of respondents identifed that the parenting topics that should be made available on a wide scale basis to parents of young children are age-appropriate disciplinary responses and expected child development and behaviors.


Findings indicate that parents are most interested in receiving parenting information in printed form and through discussions with other parents. Nurses are in ideal situations to provide education and support to parents of young children to help them become more effective parents and promote healthy child development.

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