Saturday, November 1, 2003

This presentation is part of : Addressing Health Issues in Underserved Populations

Overcoming Barriers to Care for the Hispanic Population

Edwina J. Taylor, CRNP, Cahaba Valley Health Care, Birmingham, AL, USA
Learning Objective #1: Understand barriers to health care that under-served Latinos face
Learning Objective #2: Explain three mechanisms used by Cahaba Valley Health Care in overcoming these barriers

In 2000, I approached various members of what is now the Cahaba Valley Health Care Board wiht the idea of helping uner served Latinos living in our area get health care. Cahaba Valley Health Care was born, surveys were done, and the main needs of latinos were determined to be vision, dental and acute care. We began with vision care, and since August, 2001, have provided vision screening in 11 area churches with Latino congregants, and have screened 651 patients. Volunteer ophthalmologists, optometrists, Spanish students, and other medical and community volunteers attend screenings. Glasses from the Lion's Club are given out when needed, and referrals to our follow up clinic are done. Both adults and children receive appropriate, culturally sensitive care. We have a Spanish speaker at each station of the screening, and 350 volunteers, including Board members and people from many religious denominations. We have secured funding for this project from local foundations, corporations, churches and individuals. We are now planning dental services, and hoping to begin those in the fall, 2003. As founder, I am now Executive Director, and we are seeking a part time development director/case manager.

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