Saturday, November 1, 2003
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2003
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Sunday, November 2, 2003
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

This presentation is part of : Creative Arts

Ron Peterson Mozart: A Pawsthumous Autobiography

Diana Davidson Dick, RN, Nursing Division, Nursing Division, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST), Saskatoon, SK, Canada

In response to the call for creative and expressive arts in nursing, I propose to read from a comic novel I am working on called "Ron Peterson Mozart: A Pawsthumous Autobiography". Written from the point of view of a flat-faced, green-eyed, long-haired, big-pawed Himalayan tabby cat, the novel addresses some of life's enduring issues faced by nurses and their patients from a light and witty, yet profoundly positive and healthy perspective.

The pawsthumous autobiography of Ron Peterson Mozart (aka Pete), channeled through his adopted mother, and hronicling commentary on adventures and events of everyday life is a source of insight and entertainment, smiles, laughter and tears.

Readers gain an appreciation of Pete's positive sense of self and self-confidence. Pete's approach to life, his broad worldview and understanding of how the world works, and his at times Zen-like capacity to deal with lesser evolved beings, opens us to new ways of thinking about building diverse relationships.

His skills of observation, the importance of relationships and communication, and his sense of fun are themes throughout his life. He approaches friendship, families, love, loss and death with humor, sensitivity and creativity. His articulation of situations that address these recurring life issues provide a context for nurses, patients and families to talk about them, thus contributing to growth, new insights, wisdom, and sharing, helping us focus on the fundamental power of caring. The novel closes with a touching recounting of the preformance at the Winnipeg Centennial Concert Hall of Homage to Pete Mozart at the 1996 Christmas Pops Series. The performance is symbolic of legacy and honouring memories and lives lived.

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