This colorful caution sign was designed to reinforce the education and importance for the prevention of bloodborne pathogen exposures for nurses, doctors, patients and visitors alike. The size of the sign is 3 ½ x 5 inches. Situated at the top of the sticker is CAUTION written in yellow lettering over a black background. A red sharps box is situated approximately halfway on the sticker and written on the face of the box in white letters is a list of appropriate sharps for disposal. Surrounding the sharps box are pictures in black outline overwritten by the red “NO” symbols of items not to be discarded in the sharps box. Under these, each item is named in black lettering. Appearing on the bottom of the sign in black lettering is the reinforcing caution: Proper disposal prevents bloodborne pathogen exposure.
Several years ago, there was an increase needlestick injuries related to sharps receptacles being filled inappropriately. Assessing the problem, I found items unrelated to sharps producing the hazardous conditions. Obstructing the mouth of the sharps receptacles were such items as gauze, gloves, tubing, paper towels and small IV bags. The obstructions were not always seen but prevented discarded sharps to fall into the box properly.
Safety was of primary concern. Using a holistic approach to deliver a safety message to all was the goal. After analysis, and since people are more aware of the signs that carry a “NO” symbol, I decided to design a flyer reflecting items discarded improperly. Over time, more vibrant colors were utilized and the flyer became a sticker not easily removed from the sharps box housing. The caution sign you see is eye catching and reflects the whole of the situation at a glace.
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