Sunday, November 2, 2003: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM

Invited Session: Evidence-Based Nursing -- Finding and Using Best Evidence

Learning Objective #1: Identify the value of evidence-based practice, conduct of research, research utilization, and quality management
Learning Objective #2: Formulate a "searchable question" to inform your clinical practice
This is the first of two sessions addressing the knowledge and skills useful to clinical nurses when searching for the best evidence to inform their clinical practice. This session begins by addressing the value of evidence-based practice (EBP), the conduct of research, research utilization and quality management and how each is used within the clinical setting. Steps to using best evidence to inform clinical practice will be detailed including how to select the clinical question, determine whether this is an 'answerable question,' and identify relevant sources and searching these sources for best evidence.The actual process of selecting a question, determining search strategies, and strategies and tips for conducting an efficient search using online resources will be introduced. Participants will receive an overview of sources useful for searching for best evidence including the STTI Directory of Nursing Research, OJCI, the US National Guideline Clearinghouse, the Cochrane Database and other sources of interest to attendees.
Presenters:Alba DiCenso, RN, PhD, BSc
Liz Bayley, BA, MLS
Organizer:Lazelle E. Benefield, PhD, RN

37th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
Sigma Theta Tau International