Sunday, November 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Informatics and Technology
Technology and Reflective Practice: The Use of Online Discussion to Enhance Clinical Learning
Mary Hermann, RN, MSN, EdD, School of Nursing, Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe the benefits of using the online post-conference discussion strategy to enhance reflective processing in clinical nursing practice
Learning Objective #2: Discuss possible reflective questions for online discussion that support the emotional and personal development of beginning nursing students as compassionate professionals

The strained, fast- paced health care environment provides essential clinical experiences for freshman nursing students that facilitate the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and technical skill competency. However, this complex atmosphere often does not support the processing of these learning opportunities that are crucial for cultivating critically, reflective skills within the nursing student. Traditionally in nursing education, time to process and reflect on the clinical day is usually accomplished in post-conference sessions. But sometimes, there is just not enough time, energy or level of focus to adequately devote to this debriefing. With the goals to enhance clinical learning and strengthen the emotional and personal development of the students as compassionate professionals, the use of the online discussion board was introduced to two-second semester freshman nursing clinical student groups. Traditional post-conference was held as usual, but in addition, the instructor posted discussion questions after the clinical day and the students were asked to respond to these questions. Both the instructor and the freshman students believe that the use of the online discussion after the clinical day enhanced clinical learning. Specifically, common themes that emerged through the online discussion involved the students' increased emotional awareness, effective use of self, sense of empowerment and capacity for compassion. The ability to continue the reflective process enhanced the thoughtfulness of the students' responses and provided insight for the instructor related to the quality of the students' learning. Moreover, the strategy appeared to bring a more holistic, integrative perspective to student learning. Additionally, all students responded to the posted online discussion, as contrasted to responses by only the more vocal students in the traditional post-conference sessions.