Sunday, November 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Improving Outcomes in ICU
Improving Quality of Care of Patients on Ventilators in the ICU Setting
Jean Ruiz, RN, MA, CCRN, Critical Care Service, Capital Health System, Trenton, NJ, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe a multidisciplinary approach to implementing evidence-based practice
Learning Objective #2: Apply evidence-based practice to decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia

Nursing practice includes values, behaviors, knowledge, and skills that are continually applied and refined as they are applied to the care of patients, exemplified in the care of patients on a ventilator. In today's world where safety, quality, and outcomes of care are the focus of concern, this presentation describes how nurses in the ICU and CCU of an urban hospital system participated in a collaborative project with the New Jersey Hospital Association Quality Institute to improve quality of care and patient safety. Designed to improve performance and outcomes of care these best practices in the care of ventilator patients were identified, validated, and disseminated to providers of care: head of bed elevation, oral care every four hours, peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis, deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, adequate sedation, early weaning assessment, and tight blood glucose control. Using case studies or exemplars, the effects of these interventions will highlight support for ongoing evidence-based practice and validation.