Sunday, November 13, 2005: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Integration of Technology Into Nursing Education
Learning Objective #1: Discuss the use of a computerized assessment system for theory and clinical evaluation on both a desktop computer and a handheld computer in the clinical setting
Learning Objective #2: Discuss the use of PDA resources for nursing clinical decision making
This symposium will describe the development and integration of innovative technology into nursing education for faculty and students. The presentation will include a description of the development and use of a computerized assessment system to track and measure change in student knowledge and skills over time. Components of the computerized assessment system include a clinical evaluation tool, a skills evaluation form used to provide immediate feedback to students in the laboratory or clinical setting and a method of tracking student exam grades, assignment grades and completion of designated clinical skills. The use of PDAs in the clinical setting to provide information needed to enhance student decision making about patient care will be presented. Participants will learn how to develop, use and adapt these innovative technology systems for a variety of clinical settings. Participants will also learn how to take the entire assessment system and PDA resources to the clinical setting in a uniform pocket.
Organizer:Pamela Korte, RN, MS
Presenters:Audrey Bopp, RN, MSN
Susan Carlson, RN, MS, NP
 Integration of Technology Into Nursing Education for Students
Pamela Korte, RN, MS, Audrey Bopp, RN, MSN, Susan Carlson, RN, MS, NP
 Integration of Technology into Nursing Education for Faculty
Pamela Korte, RN, MS, Audrey Bopp, RN, MSN, Susan Carlson, RN, MS, NP
 PDA Utilization in Clinical Nursing Education
Pamela Korte, RN, MS, Audrey Bopp, RN, MSN, Susan Carlson, RN, MS, NP

Sigma Theta Tau International
38th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
November 12-13, 2005
Indianapolis, IN